New record and books coming.

It’s been a little while but we’re back with a slew of new releases, especially on the book side of the label.


new record on its way...

It’s been a while, but we have a new release coming soon. Test pressings just arrived. Watch this space.


Infinite Greyscale at Kunstbibliothek Berlin

2016 saw Infinite Greyscale stage its biggest exhibition yet at Berlin's Kunstbibliothek. Included were all the records and books, as well as a new screen-printed poster.

live at Silent Green

Jan St. Werner played a 6-channel composition live on behalf of Infinite Greyscale at the second incarnation of A Happening, organised by Kelly Elizabeth Tivnan at Berlin's Silent Green.

live at Image Movement

We launched the new record with a special Mouse on Mars performance at Berlin's Sprüth Magers gallery, hosted by Image Movement.

Live at ACUD

Gabriel Saloman, Common Eider King Eider, and Svarte Grenier performed live as part of a Infinite Greyscale / Miasmah label night held at Berlin's ACUD on 10. June 2016.

Live at Sipgate

Erik Bünger and Jan-Filip Tupa performed The Empire Never Ended live at Sipgate, Düsseldorf, 1. November 2015.